Keeping Your Estate Plan Current

At Legacy Planning & Probate, we pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to discover their specific goals, so that we can make challenging topics simple, straightforward, and educational. Occasionally, these goals change as certain life events occur. We strive to create an estate plan that protects your legacy and holds true throughout various chapters of your life. 

In the spirit of “spring cleaning” we urge you to decide if you’ve experienced an event that necessitates the re-evaluation of your existing estate plan. There are several areas to consider regarding the overall effectiveness of an existing estate plan.

Though the following list is not comprehensive, we urge you to use this is as a checklist to ensure your legacy is the most up-to-date:

  • Change of state of residence

  • Purchase of real property located outside of your state of residence

  • Your marriage or divorce

  • Marriage or divorce of a family member

  • Death or disability of a family member

  • You’re experiencing a health problem or new disability 

  • New addition to your family by birth or adoption

  • Significant change in the value of your estate

  • Receipt of inheritance or large gift.

  • Retirement or major change in employment

  • Incorporation or partnership formation that is a major change in the manner of asset ownership or business interests

  • Death of your nominated Personal Representative, Trustee or Guardian, or any successor.

  • Desire to change your nominated Personal Representative, Trustee, or Guardian, or any successor.

Additionally, laws may change affecting the existing estate plan. You may also experience changes to your life insurance or employee benefits. If you make any beneficiary changes in the policies you already own (or ownership or insurance changes), it is extremely important that the changes be consistent with your estate plan.

If any of these changes occur after you have executed your estate planning documents, please contact our office so that together we may review your existing plan and advise you concerning any necessary or suggested changes. Similarly, many of these events act as catalysts for the formation of an estate plan. If this resonates with you, please contact our office for your complimentary consultation, so we may assist you in “Planning for tomorrow, today”!

Special thanks to a fellow estate planning attorney for some humor regarding estate plan life circumstance changes.


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