Legacy Planning and Probate Blog

It's 2025 (Do You Know Where Your Will is Located?)
If you are old enough to remember “It’s 10 PM (Do you know where your children are?)” blasting across the evening news with that deep, convincing voice, it may also be time to read through this brief reminder. As you make a blueprint for the new year, we invite you to add a straightforward goal to your list.

Should the ”Anti Hero” Worry About Their Estate Plan?
The “Anti Hero” narrator wrote “them” out of their Will! This begs two questions: How does one circumvent or disinherit untrustworthy family members? Does Colorado and Texas protect a decedent’s estate against being slain by beneficiaries for the inheritance?

Implication Behind “Fiduciary”
You may hear the term “fiduciary” mentioned by your lawyer, financial advisor, bank, or friends/ family. Although some have a general concept of what the term means in the corporate or business context, many remain unaware of what the term encompasses and implies in the estate-planning world. Understanding the term and the depth of obligation it entails is an essential element to the estate-planning process.

Estate Planning for Women: Helping with Control
Women of all demographics should prioritize planning for tomorrow, today! Our firm is proud to be a part of a profession helping other women talk about hard conversations! At Legacy Planning and Probate, we strive to make conversations about death, divorce, and taxes approachable and educational.
Estate Planning FAQs
So, you may be asking: where do I start? Estate planning typically involves creation of basic documents, such as a Last Will and Testament, Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, and a Disposition of Last Remains. You may need all or some of those. They may be very straightforward or more complicated. Legacy Planning & Probate is here to simplify the process, address your needs, and provide you with peace of mind. Read on for some additional information and tips to get the process moving.
Planning for your Pets in Colorado
Many of us consider our pets to be a part of our families, but what many may not realize is that we can plan for our beloved animals in our estate planning documents. Have you thought about who you would want to care for your pets in the event of your death?