with Stacey Cox

Keeping Your Estate Plan Current

Keeping Your Estate Plan Current

In the spirit of “spring cleaning” we urge you to decide if you’ve experienced an event that necessitates the re-evaluation of your existing estate plan. There are several areas to consider regarding the overall effectiveness of an existing estate plan discussed in this post. Please contact our office so that together we may review your existing plan and advise you concerning any necessary or suggested changes. Similarly, many of these events act as catalysts for the formation of an estate plan. If this resonates with you, please contact our office for your complimentary consultation, so we may assist you in “Planning for tomorrow, today”!

5 Things Your ICU Nurse Wants You to Know!

5 Things Your ICU Nurse Wants You to Know!

To better serve our clients, we interviewed Megan Kelly, an experienced ICU nurse, to get a better understanding of how these decisions play out in the ICU unit. Below you’ll find the 5 most common questions clients ask us to help them understand with an experienced ICU nurse’s shared experience. Megan answers with first-hand information for consideration. None of the information presented in this post is considered medical advice nor should be treated as such. We hope the interview demystifies an uncomfortable concept to consider in a matter-of-fact and gentle approach, giving you the words to engage in the necessary conversations with your potential agents and medical care team.

Failure to Comply Could Cost You $500 a Day!

Failure to Comply Could Cost You $500 a Day!

The “Corporate Transparency Act” is a new statute enforced by the Department of Treasury, specifically the Financial Crimes Unit (often abbreviated as “FinCEN”). This newly developed law has gained a lot of attention, due to the widespread applicability to so many individuals and businesses. Despite the hype, there is still adequate time to obtain the necessary information and file.

Celebrating 4 Years of Service

Celebrating 4 Years of Service

I am proud of the work we are doing at Legacy Planning and Probate, and I am excited for all that lies ahead in 2024. I have a passion for helping families prepare for their legacies. Please reach out if you know of a group or an event that could benefit from an Estate Planning presentation laid out in simple terms, encouraging listeners to “set it and forget it”, so they can live life with one less worry. Planning for tomorrow, though sometimes an uncomfortable topic, is best done today.

Should the ”Anti Hero” Worry About Their Estate Plan?

Should the ”Anti Hero” Worry About Their Estate Plan?

The “Anti Hero” narrator wrote “them” out of their Will! This begs two questions: How does one circumvent or disinherit untrustworthy family members? Does Colorado and Texas protect a decedent’s estate against being slain by beneficiaries for the inheritance?

A Last Minute Marital Agreement is Not in Your Interest!

A Last Minute Marital Agreement is Not in Your Interest!

Love is in the air, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave your marital agreement discussion up in the air, also. If you find yourself in the thick of wedding planning, and anticipate engaging in a pre/post-marital agreement with your future spouse, add a complimentary consultation to your preparation list before the Big Day. At LP&P we encourage our clients to begin the process as soon as the “save-the-dates” go out!! #linkinbio to start on the premarital or postmarital agreement process.

Should I Consider an Ethical Will?

Should I Consider an Ethical Will?

While your Will conveys what you want your loved ones to have, an ethical will compliments your Will by sharing with them what you want them to know.

At Legacy Planning and Probate, we urge our clients to plan for tomorrow, today. What other questions do you have about estate planning documents? Are you ready to get started? Be sure to contact us through the website by clicking here to send us a message with your questions or start the process. If “owning your story” is important to you, please reach out directly to Nancy Sharp for assistance with telling your stories and expressing your values in the form of an Ethical Will.

Estate Planning for Women: Helping with Control

Estate Planning for Women: Helping with Control

Women of all demographics should prioritize planning for tomorrow, today! Our firm is proud to be a part of a profession helping other women talk about hard conversations! At Legacy Planning and Probate, we strive to make conversations about death, divorce, and taxes approachable and educational.

Estate Planning FAQs

So, you may be asking: where do I start? Estate planning typically involves creation of basic documents, such as a Last Will and Testament, Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, and a Disposition of Last Remains. You may need all or some of those. They may be very straightforward or more complicated. Legacy Planning & Probate is here to simplify the process, address your needs, and provide you with peace of mind. Read on for some additional information and tips to get the process moving.

Estate Planning and Self-Care

It is the firm’s new endeavor to be a change maker in expanding clients’ view of “self-care”. At Legacy Planning and Probate, we genuinely believe making the decisions for tomorrow and completing the documents required, has the potential to relieve pressure and allow clients to enjoy the precious moments in the today! Estate planning can likely mitigate the weight of the unknown and offer a freeing breath, despite the environment of angst and fear many clients, themselves, are experiencing.